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Откуда: Россия Москва
Контакты: 8 916 278 39 13 , E mail : irina-sudar@mail.ru

Французская косметическая компания "Фредерик М" предлагает Вам открыть свой бизнес по реализации косметики, парфюмерии (прямые поставки из Франции),модной бижутерии и майорского жемчуга(остров Майорка-Испания).Весь товар сертифицирован, в Европе компания более 25 лет,в России-3 года. Компания "Фредерик М" не имеет своих розничных магазинов,т.к. конценция компании-это продвижение продукции методом прямых продаж (через дистрибьюторов-консультантов).
Наши преимущества:
1.Свобода в работе и независимость.
2.Гибкий график работы.
3.Зарaботок,который зависит только от организации Вашего бизнеса и Вашей активности как Партнера.
4.Быстрый карьерный рост.
5.Участие в семинарах и конкурсах компании.
6.Возможность пользоваться и предлагать продукцию наивысшего качества.
7.Заключив партнерское соглашение,Вы получаете пластиковую карту и скидку 23% на весь товар.
8.Бесплатные учебные занятия,где Вы можете получить информацию по всем товарным группам. Многие позиции эксклюзивны,т.е.у Вас есть шанс выгодно смотреться.
Условия сотрудничества с компанией:
Начните свой бизнес. При достижении статуса "Привилегированный партнер" компания награждает бесплатным зарубежным отдыхом. Став потребителем,Вы пользуетесь правом приобрести товар со скидкой 23%(а если акции,которые бывают каждый месяц,то и до 50%) в офисе-складе.После регистрации(стоимость на данный момент 300 рублей)Вы можете приезжать в офис самостоятельно или заказывать продукцию через курьера,если Вы живете в др.регионе.
Желаю успехов! Сайт www.fredericm.com

French cosmetic company Frederik of M suggests you to open the business on realization of cosmetics, perfumery (direct deliveries from France), fashionable costume jewellery and майорского pearls (island Majorca-Spain) .Весь the goods is certificated, in the Europe the company more than 25 years, in России-3 year. Company Frederik of M has no retail shops, since конценция the company-it promotion of production by a method of direct sales (through distributors-advisers).
Our advantages:
1. Freedom in work and independence.
2. A flexible hours of work.
3. Зарaботок which depends only on the organization of your business and your activity as Partner.
4. Fast career growth.
5. Participation in seminars and competitions of the company.
6. An opportunity to use and offer production of the highest quality.
7. Entered into the partner agreement, you receive a plastic card and the discount of 23 % for all goods.
8. Free-of-charge educational employment where you can receive the information on all commodity groups. Many positions are exclusive, т.е.у you there is a chance favourably there are.
conditions of cooperation with the company:
Begin the business. At achievement of the status the Exclusive partner the company awards with free-of-charge foreign rest. Becoming the consumer, you use the right to get the goods at a discount 23 % (and if actions which happen every month and up to 50 %) at office-warehouse. After registration (cost at present 300 roubles) you can come to office independently or to order production through the courier if you live in др.регионе.
I Wish successes! A site www.fredericm.com

French cosmetic company Frederik of M suggests you to open the business on realization of cosmetics, perfumery (direct deliveries from France), fashionable costume jewellery and майорского pearls (island Majorca-Spain) .Весь the goods is certificated, in the Europe the company more than 25 years, in России-3 year. Company Frederik of M has no retail shops, since конценция the company-it promotion of production by a method of direct sales (through distributors-advisers).
Our advantages:
1. Freedom in work and independence.
2. A flexible hours of work.
3. Зарaботок which depends only on the organization of your business and your activity as Partner.
4. Fast career growth.
5. Participation in seminars and competitions of the company.
6. An opportunity to use and offer production of the highest quality.
7. Entered into the partner agreement, you receive a plastic card and the discount of 23 % for all goods.
8. Free-of-charge educational employment where you can receive the information on all commodity groups. Many positions are exclusive, т.е.у you there is a chance favourably there are.
conditions of cooperation with the company:
Begin the business. At achievement of the status the Exclusive partner the company awards with free-of-charge foreign rest. Becoming the consumer, you use the right to get the goods at a discount 23 % (and if actions which happen every month and up to 50 %) at office-warehouse. After registration (cost at present 300 roubles) you can come to office independently or to order production through the courier if you live in др.регионе.
I Wish successes! A site www.fredericm.com

Страница создана: 21.01.2010
Отредактирована: 22.10.2010
Количество просмотров: 5171

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