Ryan Tinsman

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Откуда: United States Maine Cape Elizabeth
Контакты: (207) 831-3087

If you′ve never heard of the Maqui Berry, Synaura International or its First Time Release Juice EVER- "AVIA" put on your intellectual seatbelt as I tell you about the company that will undoubtebly change the way people look at Multi Level Marketing. AVIA is affordable and the comp plan is second to NONE.

The Maqui Berry, that is in AVIA, is only recently being discovered by many health experts. The Maqui Berry, in many ways, tops the much known Acai Berry. Maqui Berry is a dual antioxidant and a natural anti inflammatory. Most highly touted fruits are very high in polyphenols but are not so high in anthocyanins. Maqui is extremely high in BOTH. (Cherries are well known for their high anthocyanin levels) Maqui Berry is also a COX-2 inhibitor that works immediately without side effects. It also has Thermogenic properties which may assist in weight loss.

Experts are predicting that Synaura′s AVIA will be the top super food supplement of 2009 and the years to come.They are also calling our comp plan the "Cadillac of Comp Plans" in the MLM Industry.

AVIA contains an impressive combination of Maqui berry, Astaxanthin, Turmeric, Milk Thistle, Ashwaganda, Bacopa, B6, B12 & Folate. Also included in this synergistic combination is the new all natural SynPlex Technology TIME RELEASED micro capsule formula, all formulated by a Harvard physician who is board certified in anti-aging medicine. So basically, it will feed our cells and give it cellular protection all day….as opposed to 2 or 3 hours like most things we take in. That makes it the first of its kind.

Benefits may include a reduction of oxidative stress, reduced inflammation and potential weight loss.... just to name a few. The combination of Adaptogens, thermogenic properties and the NEW Synplex (slow-release) Technology make this combination a juice of the future.

The AVIA Capsule will also have the SynPlex Technology in it and will have a shell made from seaweed. This will allow it to enter our system quickly, while the SynPlex administers the ingredients over time.

There are also many other amazing products in the works. This is NOT just gonna be a juice company. This is an All Around Anti Aging Company.

AVIA′s formula may help stimulate your body′s own production of 3 key super antioxidants: Glutathione, Catalase, and Superoxide Dismutase (all of which are the body′s first line of defense against free radicals).

Synaura is giving us more efficacious amounts of the ingredients. AVIA is also going to have a TRUE Maqui base unlike most companies which put all kinds of fillers in to save money. Dr Kroll and Dan Maltais have said that will not be the Synaura way. AVIA is a Dual Antioxidant. AVIA is INEXPENSIVE!!!!

Dan Maltais (creator, developer and principal owner) has not only guaranteed he will write out more checks per ratio of Distributors than any other company, he has also said that he is going to put into place at some point in the coming months, a guarantee that we distributors will get paid $6,000 over the course of 12 months. Otherwise, Synaura is going to give us the difference if we made below that guarantee.

Mr. Maltais has a tremendous track record. Here is a partial list of his past experience:

He has been involved in the MLM industry for nearly 20 years as a distributor, founding distributor, corporate manager, training director (with awards for 5 consecutive years) and consultant to seven different MLM Companies. Six of the MLM companies that he consulted for do over $20 million per year; four of the MLM Companies do over $100 million per year; three of the companies are over $400 million per year, and three did over $40 million in their first year of business.

All the companies he consulted for were profitable in their first year and are still in business today.

Our chief science officer is Dr Kenneth Kroll. Dr Kroll received his medical doctorate from Harvard, is a board certified surgeon and board certified in anti-aging medicine. Dr Kroll has traveled the world practicing medicine and researching natural products. He has worked for the Ministers of Health in Kenya and Uganda. He has also lectured on immune support and anti-aging in South Africa, Japan, Canada, Taiwan and the USA. He is one of only 300 board certified specialists in anti-aging in the United States. An internationally recognized authority on the use of adaptogens, like Ganoderma Lucidum, in weight management, anti-aging strategies, and natural product medicine, Dr. Kroll is a valuable resource for those pursuing more knowledge of the wellness and anti-aging revolution now an integral part of American life.

Dr Kroll recently spoke on how many juice companies don′t really give you efficacious amounts of what they say they are putting into their drinks. He vouched to put efficacious amounts of Maqui Berry into, what he is calling, a "TRUE" Maqui base.

He is the number one or number two authority on Adaptogens in the U.S. His wife is a Naturopathic doctor, so the environment is definitely an eastern and western approach (sort of Yin & Yang like).

With Synaura, every distributor kit is a true distributor kit, unlike most companies that just throw a CD or 2 at you and tell you to go make a list of a 100 people. Yeeea... like that method has proven itself. Here is what Synaura′s Kit looks like. They actually want us to succeed.

Free website, back office, lead capture page, marketing materials, sample vial to give SynPlex demonstrations, FREE enrollement into Synaura University, desk top flip chart to give presentations, power point presentation, DVDs, CDs, media kit, L.I.F.E training manual and the list goes on...

Here is a previous call with Dr Kroll from 12/30/08: http://www.audioacrobat.com/play/W1wTRWHQ

To learn more about the Comp Plan, please visit: http://www.discoveravia.com/freedomplan.html


Страница создана: 25.04.2009
Отредактирована: 25.04.2009
Количество просмотров: 2190

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