Products: You will receive thousands of dollars in discounts. Just tell our Travel Staff where and when you want to go on holidays and they will send you back a professional report within hours showing you the best deals around to choose from. Use the 6 Star Travel Club Service for all your family and friends holidays to find the best deals in town. We can even help you use those unwanted travel vouchers that many of us have lying around. Save money, Make money and Travel the World at LOW LOW prices!
PayPlan: $4,600 Cash & Free PINs (for new positions) and Free Re-Entry with each cycle
2x2 Matrix - Only 3 Boards so easier to cycle out and collect the big bucks!
Free re-entry; Follow your sponsor
$200 One-Time, Lifetime Fee ($20 additional fee with credit card). (spillover and forwarding features turned on)
Страница создана: 12.06.2008
Отредактирована: 12.06.2008
Количество просмотров: 7846