What is MonaVie?
MonaVie is a delicious and energizing blend of 19 body-beneficial fruits—including the Brazilian acai berry, one of nature’s top superfoods. MonaVie was developed with the philosophy Balance—Variety—Moderation, this nourishing beverage delivers the essential phytonutrients and antioxidants your body needs to stay healthy. MonaVie Active combines the delicious blend of MonaVie with plant derived glucosamine for healthy joint support and powerful antioxidant protection.
Is it time that you want, or more time? Health, or better
health? An income, or a bigger income? Freedom, or greater freedom?
Whatever our goals are, MonaVie can help you achieve them.
MonaVie blends unequalled nutritional power with an unparalleled business opportunity that can allow you to capitalize on the surging health an wellness industry
As a MonaVie independent distributor, you are an entrepreneur who, from day one, has a distinguished research and development team, a fantastic product that everyone can benefit from, a fully staffed sales and marketing team, and a friendly customer support staff dedicated to your success.
Begin achieving renewed health and financial well-being today by enjoying and sharing MonaVie with others.
Please contact me if you have any questions:
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Отредактирована: 08.03.2008
Количество просмотров: 3578