Evan Gwin

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Откуда: USA Texas Dallas
Контакты: skype id: roianc

Welcome to my Nuskyway Team:

NuSkyWay.com connects people all over the world to a new business model. Its all new technology with exponential growth opportunities and high weekly payments.

A major shift in our world is under way. The Internet has emerged as the place for entertainment, education, business, social networking, and news. In 2006 one out of every eight couples met online.

If MySpace was a country it would be the 11th largest country based on over 130 million users. The number of text messages each day exceeds the population of our planet. Bottom line, the internet is the place to be for exponential growth.

NuSkyWay.com gives you a way to make huge profits from the exponential growth of interactive game entertainment and business profits on the internet.

The NuSkyWay.com Bonus System can pay up to $50,000 per week with your own video game website. NuSkyWay is supported by a solid infrastructure of over 130 servers, a team of trained software engineers, and a complete support staff.

One out of every 5 people on the internet plays video games. NuSkyWay.com gives you a way to make money from video games. The games rated "E" for everyone. Golf, Racing, and in late 2007 Soccer called Hometownsoccer.

The parent company, MVP Network has developed the infrastructure for you to own your own video game web site. The NuSkyWay Bonus System is the highest paying bonus system in the world.

Its As Easy As 1,2,3

* Sign Up to become a distributor.
* Sell 2 game websites - collect $200
* Teach other people to sell 2 game websites and choose
payment by check or ATM card

The NuSkyWay Compensation Plan Pays 6 Ways Every Week. You are paid by check or by our global ATM card.

* $100 Fast Start Bonuses for every game website sold.

* Weekly Binary Bonuses: Your Weekly Binary Bonuses are activated when you sell 2 game websites for $208 each. You place one distributor in Team A and another distributor in Team B. Each game website sold is equal to $100 in sales volume. Each game download is equal to $10 in sales volume. Each time you accumulate $300 in sales volume in one team and $600 in sales volume in the other team, you are paid $50. Your Team Building Bonuses are limited to 1,000 of the $50 bonuses payments per week which equals $50,000 per week.

* Leadership Matching Bonuses: When you sell 3 game websites you are paid 20% Matching Bonuses on Weekly Binary Bonuses paid to distributors you sponsor. This is your first level. No limit on Matching Bonuses on the first level.

When you sell 9 game websites you are paid 20% Matching Bonuses on Weekly Binary Bonuses to those distributors you personally sponsor, plus Matching Bonuses all of the distributors sponsored by the distributors you personally sponsored. This is your second level. No limit on Matching Bonuses on the second level.

When you sell 12 game websites you are paid 20% Matching Bonuses on Weekly Binary Bonuses on those people you personally sponsor, plus Matching Bonuses on the people trained by those you sponsored. In addition you are paid 25% on your third level. These are people that have been sponsored and trained by people that were trained by those people on your second level. This is your third level. No limit on Matching Bonuses on your third level.

* Quarterly Bonuses: Every 90 days you are paid the Bonuses listed in #2 and #3 above all over again. The best news is that you dont have to wait for each quarter to end to get paid because commission and bonus checks are paid weekly as quarterly Game Website renewals occur.

All monies are stated in US dollars.

* Retailing the Games: You are paid $10 every time one of your games is downloaded. You have 1,000 downloads of each game with your game websites. You can earn $10,000 from the downloading of each game. Golf, Racing, and Soccer later in 2008 would pay you up to $30,000 in download commissions.

* Car Bonus - See details

Each distributor owns a game website. Each game website is renewed every 90 days with 4,000 more game downloads (worth up to $40,000) for an additional $108.00(USD). This means every time the game websites in your A and B sales teams renew, you are paid the Weekly Binary Bonuses all over again. In addition, when more downloads are done, you receive more Binary sales volume. No limit on renewal bonuses paid weekly.

To View the Games, you can use these quick links:

My MVP Games - including Golden Fairway Golf, Redline Thunder Racing, and soon to be Hometown Soccer.


To Join the Opportunity:


Страница создана: 25.07.2007
Отредактирована: 23.04.2008
Количество просмотров: 5547

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