6 Blind Mice Inc.

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Откуда: USA Utah Sandy
Контакты: Yahoo - mymaxhealth@yahoo.com, MSN - mymaxhealth@hotmail.com

The world′s most potent and powerful antioxidant isn′t in a Berry, Fruit, or even a Drink...it′s inside your body!

Glutathione is the most important antioxidant in your body and yet every year that you grow older beyond the age of 20 your body produces less of this vital anitoxidant.

MaxGXL provides the building blocks that allow your body to increase its production of Glutathione in the cells giving the body increased, steady energy throughout the day and combating the invasion of free radicals in the cells. You′ll sleep better, feel better, and perform better.

You′re only as old as you feel, bring youth back to your body from the inside out with MaxGXL!

Clinically tested, currently going through clinical trials for peer review and inclusion in medical journals. The Science behind MaxGXL is clear and the results are undeniable, this product is the real deal. Take our product tour at www.teammaxglobal.com/maxhealth

There are a multitude of opportunities out there for you to grasp and build a business with. I′ve worked in this business as a consultant, tool provider, and distributor. I′ve seen hundreds of businesses come and go. There are only a handful that survive out of the hundreds of start-ups each year. I know a winner when I see it and Max International has all of the components and the backing and managment necessary to survive and thrive.

This is a company that is still 4 months away from its launch date and is doing half a million dollars a month in sales. They have a unique and lucrative compensation plan that pays quickly but also pays well over long term. It rewards hard work and actually gives the Associate the opportunity to build a large income and if they so choose TRULY retire with a sizeable monthly income that can be maintained with a retirement lifestyle.

There are only a few companies out there that I believe give you a real fighting chance to create a full-time income. Max International is one of them.

We build our business using the internet as our main marketing medium. We supply our team members with the tools and training they need to learn how to work this business. We mentor our team members. You don′t have to do this alone. We understand the importance of working together and the win/win philosophy.

Visit our Marketing Site at www.teammaxglobal.com/maxhealth and take one of our free tours. Leave us your name, email, and phone number so we can contact you and show you why this team is worth joining.

Thank you for your time and interest. We hope to hear from you soon.

Warm Regards,


Страница создана: 12.06.2007
Отредактирована: 12.06.2007
Количество просмотров: 3889

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